A naturally ventilated system with fresh air and natural daylight. Kit form options are available.
Naturally ventilated system with a UNIQUE advantage, that every pen of pigs is separate from the next, each pen of pigs has its own supply of fresh air and natural daylight.
2 standard pen depths 5m and 6m, 2 standard pen widths 2.5m and 3m to accommodate different group sizes.
Rows of Trobridge units are arranged to suit site and batch sizes.
Flexibility, as units can hold larger no’s of smaller pigs or smaller numbers of larger pigs.
Floors may be fully slatted with concrete or plastic panels, eco-slats are available (with solid floor sections).
Standard ACNV package for automatic ventilation of front and rear vent flaps, adjusting flaps 24 hours a day to keep pigs in their optimum comfort zone.
Trobridge straw bedded units provide a highly efficient, naturally ventilated system where straw bedding is required.
Each pen of pigs has its own fresh air and natural daylight.
Units can be supplied to go under an existing portal frame or ARM Buildings can provide a simple umbrella to cover the passage.